Sandra Carey
Sandra's most recent challenge and focus is to bring fresh thinking and innovation to McCann Health's practice dedicated to expert audiences. Expert audiences refer to the agency’s increased focus on broadening reach to healthcare experts in their respective fields, those considered to be healthcare extenders, such as pharmacists, nurses, dentists, dieticians and other health professionals. As illustrated by the global pandemic, healthcare extenders play a pivotal role in health care delivery, conducting activities and interventions in disease prevention and health promotion by working closely with patients and physicians. Her passion and focus is on understanding and engaging with the experts that provide health services to the communities of the world. Understanding that while regulatory frameworks, the nature of the health system and context of health provision are important and becoming more uniform, fully grasping how experts practice in the real world is fundamental to how most health brands are perceived and ultimately, how they succeed short and long term.
Sandra has had a longstanding deep understanding and connection to the practice of healthcare delivery and the various expert roles involved as a part of the community-based care team. She is recognized as a global practice leader from her work driving initiatives to support the advancement of healthcare extenders, including McCann Health’s Global Pharmacy practice. Prior to joining McCann Health, she has held leadership positions in retail, and national regulatory bodies. She has been a practicing pharmacist and practitioner for most of her career, working as a clinical pharmacist in a family practice setting, running diabetes and pain management clinics, and consulting for insurers, private companies and government on practice change to address a changing health care environment. Sandra has served as a key resource to pharmaceutical organizations on numerous matters of the business of pharmacy, regulatory landscape and practice models involving pharmacists, technicians, and assistants integration into multidisciplinary teams. Sandra will continue her work with the Global Pharmacy practice as one of the expert audiences under her position, with the goal of expanding community-based care practice, focusing on programs written and designed by experts for the experts.